Meet and Greet 2025
19 January 2025
At the Cotter
At the Arboretum
The day, with its light breeze and bright sunshine, couldn’t of been better for the annual opening of the new year’s club activities with the club’s January meet and greet run.
This year like the last few was held out at the Cotter, a nice cruise from pretty much anywhere in Canberra. Today we met at the arboretum before cruising out as a group the approximately 20 odd kilometers to the Cotter Dam.
A total of 17 Toranas, 22 members and around 40 people in total. Even better was the great range of models, body styles and colours, it really was a great way to start the year.
Thanks to all those who helped setup and packup and to everyone who brought along a snack to share. Club members who attended below, but it was also great to see a bunch of partners and families attend as well.
- Paul and Kylie E
- James and Michelle
- Tye
- Paul H
- Scott M
- Max
- Sharon and Tulio
- Brad C
- Mark B
- Rob and Amanda D
- Chris and Carol M
- Curtis
- Chris B and Sandra
- Joe D
- Joe C
- Kinna
- Rob and Dale P
- Andrew G
- Max
- Jamie S
- Steve F
- Danny T